Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So much to tell you! will read FOREVER!

Wow...that was fast! Summer just flew by...literally! I don't ever remember it going by that fast in the past. We didn't really do much...a few trips to the pool and a great trip to Lost Valley Lake in July really made the summer totally worth it. My kids absolutely LOVED Lost Valley and, for the most part it went off without a hitch...well except for the part where our the RV we rented, was having A/C issues...issues as such that it wasn't working. Finally the 2nd day we were there they decided to replace it. 2 things happened when they replaced it...the RV was much more enjoyable to be in and, I was not crabby know the saying "If mama ain't happy...ain't not body happy"...that totally applied here. I was miserable and, found myself taking it out on my kids :(  Sorry Guys...and, yes I did apologize to them while we were there :)  Trips to the beach at the lake, swimming in the pools, paddle boat and smores on the campfire made me realize just how lucky I am to have my family. Summer really was a great even though we didn't do much of anything. I was actually thinking...this summer hasn't been that bad....HA WAS I WRONG!

3 weeks before school started...that's when the fun AKA fighting had really begun. If u remember in my last post I was about in tears when the bus had dropped them off on the last day of school...yeah, well this is what I was talking about. 3 wks before school starts my kids are literally driving me BoNkErS...NuTs...CrAzY!!! The fighting at this point was in full effect. Sebastian couldn't irritate me or the girls enough...the girls where literally about to rip each others heads off (and, I wouldn't have stopped them) and, poor little Tristan who has been doing First Steps for speech, and is really trying hard to tell me what he wants but, sometimes we both get irritated when I can't understand him. SO, needless to say I was going out of my mind! Fighting, crying, screaming, hitting, kicking, whining...MAKE IT STOP!!! GET THESE KIDS BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!!!!! And, then it was here...Aug 18th had arrived...many kids crying as we pulled up to school (Non of them mine) and, some parents sad to send them back...HA NOT ME! I was smiling from ear to ear and, singing "Its the most wonderful time of the year"...yes I really was :0) I love my kids dearly...but, in order for ALL of us to survive...we need our separation from time to time. And, when I say that I mean M-F from 7:30 to 3:15. I to need my sanity and, if them being gone help me to maintain it...then so be it! To the parents that Home School your children...Kudos to you!...I love love love them...but, I would not be normal if it I never got a break from the fighting. Plus, the girls really need to be apart to be themselves and have separate lives. School gives them that. Sebastian is loving 7th grade and is happy to be back. The girls are loving 2nd and 3rd grade as well. And, I am loving a quiet house! ALL is good at the Camarena house again!

Our A/C is NOT working again this year. Started when we got back from Lost Valley Lake. So, we are ALL sleeping in the living room. We have a window unit that is keeping this area nice and cool. Once the temps go down to the 70's we should be able to move back into our's hoping for cooler temps! Maybe next year will be the year we actually get it fixed.

Back in May I wrote about beginning our journey to David becoming a US Citizen. Well, I am happy to report that just last week, David passed his citizenship test! (he wasn't even back there 10 minutes) This is HUGE...we are so excited for him and our family! We got the letter in the mail yesterday stating that he will be sworn in on Sept 2nd. After that it will be OFFICIAL!!! He is so humble and, doesn't show the excitement I know he is feeling. This is an AMAZING accomplishment that he has every right to celebrate! We are going to be having a huge party to celebrate this. Even though he may not want it...really does it ever matter what he wants??? NOPE...LOL  Our next step, will be to start to proceeding to have his mom brought up from Mexico to live here with us. One of the perks of becoming a citizen is, they let you bring one member of your family up. His mom is so deserving of this. I can't wait to bring her up. She has raised 12 kids and is now a widow and, is having health issues. We want her to have the best medical care and, Mexico we don't believe will give her that. She has tried to come up on her own by applying for a Visa...unfortunately, there are no qualifications to help you get approved...its all LUCK! Or, who you know in the government and, after 4 tries and a total of $2000 in Application Fees. We are happy to do it this way! She deserves it and, so does David!

Last but not least...Ariana has had trouble with her eyes. They just randomly go blurry on her and, then will correct themselves. This started in May. This happens sometimes once a day and, sometimes as much as 4x's a day. After taking her to a Optometrist and him treating her as if she was lying. I kind of laid low and waited to see what would happen over the summer. She would tell me occasionally that it would happen. At the end of June she started telling more often this was happening. I kept a mental note of when she would tell me these things. Come the end of July it was happening quite often. I called and got her an appt. with her Pediatrician. Took her last Monday and, he thought it would be a good idea for her to see a Opthamologist. I was lucky to get her an appt. for the next day. That Dr. told her she was missing 50% of the optic nerves...Ummmm...yes, I did go into shock when he told me that. He also said he couldn't figure out the blurred vision...said, maybe she just has a large imagination. That didn't set well with me. I came home and immediately started doing research. I called the next day to get a name of the diagnosis...Optic Disc Cupping...yes, this has nothing to do with nerve loss. So, I got an second opinion set up for 2 days later.  He told me he did see the Optic Disc Cupping but, didn't see the nerve loss...hmmmmmm...maybe time for a 3rd opinion. He also proceeded to tell me he thought may Ari just has an imagination for the whole blurred vision problem...technically he told me she was lying...grrrrrrrr!!!!  If one more Dr tells me she was lying...well...lets just say...Lord have Mercy on their soul! I know my daughter, when she lies...she can't keep a straight face. She was really upset and cried when I told her she may have to miss the first day of school b/c, that was the date we had the 2nd opinion scheduled for. She cried and said "Mom, please don't make me do anymore test, please don't take me!" Just about broke my heart. If she was lying she would have just said "Mom, there is nothing wrong with me. I'm fine now!", She also wouldn't be consistent for 3 months straight, she would have gotten bored by now if she was not being honest. When I asked her the other day if she had any problems with her vision at school...she said "Nope, not today" Now, if she was lying she would have said "oh yeah...a whole lot!" that wasn't the case. So, she isn't your "by the book case" we are all different! I am going to keep fighting until I get the answers that I need! I called her Pediatrician the other day and he wants to do and MRI to check out her brain. He doesn't think there will be anything but...who knows...lets just be able to cross that off the list and, continue to look for an answer. I will keep you all updated as we look for those answers!

Well...yep, it was a busy summer and CrAzY at that. But, I guess that is the way its suppose to go. Thanks for reading! And, sorry it was so long. Have a great day and, God Bless!